rswt API

The rswt module exports only a single class : WavTrigger

WavTrigger objects

class rswt.WavTrigger(device, timeout=5.0, baud=57600)
Create a new WavTrigger object. All parameter should be passed as keyword arguments.
  • device - name of serial port
  • timeout - timeout for reading from the serial port
  • baud - baudrate for the serial port

Raises : OSError
if opening the serial port failed, or reading from the WavTrigger times out

WavTrigger properties

The version string returned from the device
The number of polyphonic voices the WavTrigger supports
The number of tracks found on the SD-Card

Playing tracks

Play a track from the SD-Card using one of the polyphonic voices of a WavTrigger
  • track - the number of the track
Play a solo track from the SD-Card. Stops all polyphonic voices and plays the track in solo mode.
  • track - the number of the track
Pause a playing track.
  • track - the number of the track
Resume a paused track.
  • track - the number of the track
Stop a playing track
  • track - the number of the track
load a track into memory and pause it. Tracks loaded with this method can be played in sync when started with resumeAll()
  • track - the number of the track
start playing tracks that where loaded into memory with the load(track) method.
stop all playing tracks
loop the track when playing. The track will play in a loop even if it is restarted after a stop(track) or stopAll() command.
  • track - the number of the track
stop playing a track in a loop. If the track is playing when unLoop(track) is called the track will play to the end and then stop.
  • track - the number of the track
returns a list of the currently playing tracks from the WavTrigger. If no tracks are playing the empty list is returned.
Raises : OSError if the WavTrigger does not return valid data in the timespan set by the timeout.


set the volume for a track.
  • track - the number of the track
  • volume - the new volume setting. The range of valid volume arguments is 0..100, resulting in a gain setting from -70dB to 0dB.
set gain for a track.
  • track - the number of the track
  • gain - the new gain setting. The range of valid gain arguments is -70..+10. Gain values >0 might cause distortion in the output signal.
set volume for the WavTrigger output signal stage.
  • volume - the new volume setting. The range of valid volume arguments is 1..100, resulting in a gain setting from -70dB to 0dB.
set the gain for the WavTrigger output signal stage.
  • gain - the new gain setting. The range of valid gain arguments is -70..+10. Gain values >0 might cause distortion in the output signal.


fade the volume for a track to a new level in the timespan given by duration
  • track - the number of the track
  • volume - the new volume level for the track. The range of valid volume arguments is 1..100, resulting in a gain setting from -70dB to 0dB.
  • duration - the timespan in milliseconds for the fading effect
fade the volume for a track from its current level to zero, than stop the track.
  • track - the number of the track
  • duration - the timespan in milliseconds for the fade out
change the samplerate for the WavTrigger.
  • offset - the offset of the samplerate. Vaild offset values are -32767..32767. Values below 0 cause the output signal to be pitched down. Value greater 0 raise the pitch.


Switch the onboard amplifier on
Switch the onboard amplifier off