Here are a few (made up) questions. I will extend this section if necessary...

Technical Questions

Track doesn't play; it works on my desktop machine!
I had this problem with a test signal generated with Audacity. The default settings of Audacity generate a mono signal which is encoded in a mono wav file on export. For some reason the WavTrigger was unwilling to play that file. I was expecting to be tortured by weird distortion when trying to play broken files. To my surprise the track didn't play at all.

  • Make sure your tracks are 2 channel stereo wav-files

The playing() method returns the wrong tracknumbers!
This is a bug that was fixed with version 1.21 of the WavTrigger firmware. Boards shipped in 2014/2015 need to be updated to a firmware version >=1 .21.

On Linux I can open the serial port from more than one application at the same time!
Yes, True. This might cause havoc on the read operations from the WavTrigger. There are solutions for this problem but they are not portable across other OS platforms.